Here is what came to me as I thought about some concrete steps I might offer up as I thought about the word “LENT.”

Listen to your heart.

Entertain new possibilities.

Nurture your dreams.

Transform your life!

That’s what this blog is all about. Read on to find out more about how we all can make this Lenten season more than just making some commitments to give up things during the remaining weeks until Easter.

Listen to your heart

I Know we all mean well when we begin the Lenten season, many of us keeping to the traditions of faith we were born into by attending an Ash Wednesday service and having the minster or priest place the mark of the cross in ashes on our foreheads. We are encouraged to sacrifice something for the forty days between Ash Wednesday and Easter.

In more recent times many of us have come to embrace the idea that we are each, as children of God, created in His own image and likeness and therefore have access to all the powers of God. In Unity these are referred to as the Twelve Powers. And all we need to do to access these hidden powers is to still our minds, relax our physical bodies, and open our heart space where we can access these innate gifts that are ours through the Grace of God.

Developing the capacity to listen to the heart takes practice, the daily practice of prayer and meditation. So why not make these days between now and Easter your opportunity to practice doing that?

Entertain new possibilities

This Lenten season is a wonderful time to consider what new possibilities may await your entertaining them in your mind! Sit, for a few minutes, and reflect back upon any old dreams and aspirations you may have had at one time in your life.

I invite you to compassionately inquire (that means without any judgments) as to what beliefs surface when you ask yourself, “Why haven’t I reactivated and pursued those dreams?” Then ask yourself if the surfaced beliefs are still true? And if they’re not and you are willing and ready to release them, to “let go and let God,” write down a clear statement of what that dream is and make it a priority in your life. Be willing to commit time and energy to the co-creation of your dreams (because the truth is you can’t do it on your own). None of us can. To achieve success, we must connect with the indwelling Christ center within us and listen. And then take action as you feel guided by that still, small voice, by your intuitive nudges. Trust them. Trust yourself! The you you have come here to BE in this lifetime!

Nurture your dreams

“How do we do that?” you may be asking. And my answer may surprise you, because you already are doing that! Every thought we entertain in our minds is what we are likely to create if we hold it there for any length of time. Enough times held in mind and it becomes an automated thought pattern that out-pictures itself in our world as a reality.

You see, unlike what we may have been taught, growing up, God doesn’t judge. God wants for us whatever we want. So be mindful of your own thoughts, your own words, and whatever actions we may take as a result of the thought.

Now being clear about the power of choice that is ours, take the clear statement you previously wrote down…of what your dream is, and remain open to what is showing up around you in your life as next steps, as people and opportunities that support the direction of your dreams. Keep your dreams uppermost in your mind and heart, and have faith in the process, doing what is yours to do and then being grateful for the life you are now living.

A little tip: watch out for “ego creep” where your human ego-mind starts to entertain visions of grandiosity, of wealth, of being an influence upon hundreds or thousands of people, of fame. Those will block your way in a fast-minute, and you will be unable to continue with the realization of your dream. And how might I know that? You guessed it! ‘Been there and done that (and hopefully not again)!

Transform your life!

Just what is a “transformed life?” Well, we each get to decide that for ourselves. Here’s what it means for me:

· I spend more of my time being in the “present moment,” with both my mental mind and my heart center open to the moment, than I do thinking or worrying about things of the past or about the future.

· I experience a sense of excitement and enthusiasm about life, with gratitude and appreciation filling my heart and guiding my actions.

· I experience a kind of peace and calm (most of the time).

· Seeming obstacles quickly become opportunities and lessons for me to look at and learn from.

· There is an abundance of joy in my life and it is directly connected with how much of my time is devoted to serving others in those ways that I can.

· I continue to evolve and learn the ways of self-care, knowing I cannot serve others if I forget to serve myself first.

I hope each of you love yourself enough to use this Lenten season as an opportunity to shed and release what truly no longer serves you. May you find a deeper understanding and acceptance of the miracle that each of you is, knowing there is only one person on this planet that possesses the unique attributes and gifts that are yours, and that is you! Let the Light shine upon them and so BE a light in the world.

Love & Light, Steven